America the Ugly, America the Beautiful

Oct 12, 2016 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

Watching the second Presidential debate (which was anything but ‘presidential’) left me with a feeling of depression, nausea and sorrow for my American friends. With a population of 324,769,696 these are the two candidates to be President?!   It was an ugly debate and it showed the ugly side of both America and humanity.   On the actual debate side Trump was a clear winner, but the bar was set really low, and in this particular contest you cannot help but feel that it is the American people who are the losers.   If we deserve the leaders we get, then what have the American people done to deserve this?!

The Hypocrisy of the Culture

There was uproar after the latest videotapes came out concerning what Trump calls his ‘locker room’ talk eleven years ago. No matter the attempts to explain it away there is little doubt that these tapes show a man who abuses his power to get what he wants and that includes sexually. At best it was crude and offensive, at worst it indicates that the next President of the US could be someone who would normally be regarded as a sexual predator.

There are no excuses. However there is a great deal of hypocrisy in the moral outrage against Mr. Trump.   The trouble is that you can hear and see language (and actions) like that, and indeed far worse than that, every night on US TV and even worse on the Internet. We have created a sexualized culture that is crude and rude, which worships money and power and rejoices in the liberty to do whatever we want. And then we get all outraged when someone who worships money and power does what the media has made the culture to be.    Did the millions of women who bought 50 Shades of Grey not realize what they were buying?   In the UK we have comedians like Frankie Boyle and Jimmy Carr, who in their ever more desperate attempts to show they can be shocking, sink to ever lower depths.   Trump is not an anomaly. He is a product of our dumbed down, sexualized, greedy, reality TV culture.

But the hypocrisy is worse. Because in this Trump at least was right.

Read here

Read also: The next ‘deplorables’? Clinton campaign rips ‘backwards’ Catholic beliefs in leaked e-mails by Lisa Bourne, LifeSite


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