Anglican Unscripted: Doctrine Vs Practice

Aug 17, 2017 by

Kevin Kallsen and Gavin Ashenden discuss the latest happenings in the Church of England.

Gavin Ashenden comments on the service of Holy Communion followed by a party at Southwark Cathedral, at which the civil partnership of two senior clergywomen was honoured and celebrated:

…What we’re looking at is how Justin Welby’s ‘radical inclusion’ works out in practice in the Church of England…

…they keep the rules, because everyone knows how important it is to keep the rules on the surface while doing the opposite underneath…

…a civil partnership is allowed in the Church of England so long as you promise that your cuddles are platonic…

…the trouble with ‘radical inclusion’ like this, is that it looks very much like hypocrisy…

…they are saying this isn’t a wedding and wedding reception, but what it’s doing is a wedding a wedding reception…you have to look into the Gospels and see what attitude Jesus has to hypocrisy…

…sieving gnats and swallowing camels – you are keeping the rules of General Synod, but you are celebrating lesbian marriage in the holy sanctuary during the eucharist…

…hypocrisy stinks…there won’t be changes to official doctrine, but there will be changes in practice…

…a microcosm of what will sink the Church of England: if there is no integrity, there is not much left.


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