Answering the heretical bishops of the Church of England

Dec 3, 2016 by

by Gavin Ashenden:

[…]  It is always a matter of deep sorrow when bishops in particular, who were ordained to be guardians of the biblical and apostolic faith, allow themselves to be directed and infused by spirits that set themselves against the Holy Spirit.

Much of the struggle of the Church in the 19th and 20th century can be understood as a struggle between the Holy Spirit and the spirit of rationalism.  When the Church is taken over by people who turn their back on the Holy Spirit with its ever mysterious power to break, turn and heal the human heart, it becomes a religion without power to transform and rescue people. Instead it smells only of the dank mould of decayed religion, locked in the airless confines of the intellectual attic.

In the 21st Century there is a new spirit (or a new variation on some old themes) seducing the Church where it allows itself to have boundaries that are over porous to the demands of the passing culture. Where the Church fails to test these competing spirits with Scripture, tradition (the experience of living Scripture) and the charisms of the Holy Spirit, it capitulates to the culture and the drivers of the culture.

So now we face something that is both an ideology, but also a spirit. Behind the ideology are the old and familiar spirits of lust, anger, incontinence and power, re-dressed in the clothing of what we might call ‘therapeutic Marxism’.

What are the assumptions of this new ideology that houses the old corruptions freshly dressed as idolatrous utopianism- the construction of heaven on earth?

Read here

Read also:  Why do church leaders suck up to Marxist regimes? by Damian Thompson, Spectator


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