Archbishops’ Election Letter 

May 8, 2017 by

General election 2017: Archbishops highlight the place of faith in British life, from Archbishop of Canterbury’s website

In a pastoral letter to the parishes and chaplaincies of the Church of England, Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu urge people to set aside “apathy and cynicism” and draw new inspiration from the ancient Christian virtues of “love, trust and hope”.

The three-page letter, intended to be shared in churches from this Sunday onward, encourages voters to remember Britain’s Christian history and heritage as well as a concern for future generations and God’s creation as they make their decisions.

Following divisions of recent years, it calls for reconciliation drawing on shared British values based on cohesion, courage and stability.

It upholds marriage, family and households as the building blocks of society which should be “nurtured and supported” as a “blessing”.

At a time when political differences may be felt more intensely than ever, the Archbishops insist that Christians’ “first obligation” during the election and beyond is to pray for those standing for office and recognise the personal costs and burdens carried by those in political life and by their families.

But Christians also have a duty to play an active part in the process, they add.

Read here

See also (newer posts at the bottom):

Church of England urges voters to support the NHS and education for all in election letter by Nicola Bartlett, Mirror

BHA responds to Archbishops’ general election letter from British Humanist Association
Don’t ‘exploit’ the faith of political opponents, say Archbishops by Olivia Rudgard– Telegraph
Church of England urges voters to ‘set aside apathy’ in general election by Harriet Sherwood, Guardian
John Sentamu on the dangers of questioning politicians too closely on their faith  BBC interview
Archbishops: Religion must be central in general election to avoid extremism by Harry Farley, Christian Today

General Election 2017: Archbishops call for political stability and religious literacy – Archbishop Cranmer

Archbishop of Canterbury denies rightwing shift in run-up to election, Guardian

Archbishop of Canterbury defends ‘stability’ election letter in interview with Christian Today – Christian Today

How should Christians vote? by Ian Paul, Psephizo

Critique of the Archbishops’ Election Letter by Alan Storkey

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