Australia: Polygamy dating site is a warning: first same-sex marriage, next polygamy

Sep 6, 2016 by

by Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun:

I warned Malcolm Turnbull and others of the Left that saying yes to same-sex marriage would make it hard to say no to polygamy. How could we say no to any three adults marrying once we’ve agreed to any two? A new dating site for Muslim polygamists suggests that argument is about to start.

WOMEN of Australia, take a deep breath. Web entrepreneur Azad Chaiwala claims membership for his polygamist dating sites has soared to more than 100,000 members, amid reports of a rise in multiple marriages across the UK.

The 33-year-old born in Manchester to parents of Pakistani origin … runs aimed at the Muslim community in the UK and which has members of various faiths that are 55 per cent female…

Mr Chaiwala said he knew around 18 families personally who lived under the arrangement and advocates a “formal ceremony” to cement the marriage even if it is not legally valid…

Islamic law specialist Aina Khan — who is leading a campaign to make sure young people have their traditional ceremony or ‘nikah’ registered — said many people are shocked to realise they would have no rights under a second or third marriage.

In Sydney last week:

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