Bible backs CofE’s transgender guidance, says senior Anglican theologian

Nov 14, 2017 by

by Harry Farley, Christian Today:

The Bible backs allowing little boys to dress in tutus and princess’ tiaras, according to a senior Anglican theologian.

It comes after the Church of England issued guidance for its 4,700 schools to combat ‘homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying’ that said primary schools should be places of ‘creative exploration’ where children can ‘try out the many cloaks of identity’ and ‘explore the possibilities of who they might be without judgment or derision’.

This includes allowing young boys to wear tutus or princess’ tiaras and young girls to wear tool belts and superhero capes without comment or criticism, the report published on Monday said.

Dr Michael Banner, Dean of Trinity College Chapel at the University of Cambridge, said the inclusive approach adopted by the CofE had a biblical approach.

Delivering the Thought for the Day on the BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme, he said ‘the books of the Bible, from which the church takes its inspiration and teaching, themselves challenge the stereotypes and negative attitudes which have led us to exclude from fellowship those whom we judge outsiders’.

Citing a story from the biblical book of Acts where one of the disciples meets a foreign eunuch, Banner points out the disciples baptised him despite numerous barriers.

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