Breastfeeding organization welcomes transgender ‘nursing men’

May 20, 2017 by

by Lisa Bourne, LifeSite:

A venerable breastfeeding advocacy group is floating the notion that men can nurse children.

Nursing is not just for moms anymore, according to a blog post from the National Catholic Register this week that included a policy statement from La Leche League International (LLLI).

“As the cultural understanding of gender has expanded, it is now recognized that some men are able to breastfeed,” the organization also stated.

LLLI has accommodated the idea of breastfeeding men since 2014 when it changed the policy, because “the cultural understanding of gender has expanded.” Therefore “it is now recognized that some men are able to breastfeed.”

The Illinois-based international organization has provided breastfeeding support for more than 60 years. Three years ago, it began allowing  “men who otherwise meet the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer applicant” to be breastfeeding counselors.

Those prerequisites are organizational experience, personal experience breastfeeding a baby for at least nine months, and a demonstrated commitment to La Leche League philosophy.

That’s no misprint — men with “personal experience breastfeeding a baby for at least nine months” can apply to be a breastfeeding counselor.

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