Britain becomes more liberal: Number who oppose sex before marriage or gay relationships now a shrinking minority

Jun 28, 2017 by

by Steve Doughty, Mailonline:

Liberal attitudes to sex and morality are now beginning to dominate the way most people think, an influential report said yesterday.

It found that those who believe sex should be saved for marriage and who oppose same-sex relationships are a shrinking minority.

Even most Christians, historically the biggest religious group holding conservative views about sex, now believe there is nothing wrong with sex between unmarried people.

Opposition to pornography is dwindling, the report said, with six out of 10 young people under 35 now thinking that adults should be able to watch any film they like, no matter how violent or obscene.

The survey also said seven out of 10 people think a woman should be able to get an abortion if she does not want a child, and nearly two thirds think an abortion should automatically be available if a couple cannot afford more children.

Even among Roman Catholics, whose church leads the opposition to abortion, 61 per cent said when asked last year that abortion should be permitted if a woman does not want a child.

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