Bullying Ofsted insists little girls study transgenderism

Jun 27, 2017 by

by Laura Perrins, TCW:

Do you remember the scheme to introduce British Values into schools? It was some sort of government driven claptrap designed to stop secular state schools from being hijacked by Islamic extremists and to mitigate against the possibility that we are going to be blown up by said extremists.

We warned at the time this was a dangerous state-driven ideology that will be used to promote radical, leftist cultural ‘values’ and will do nothing to prevent Islamist extremism. We said it will be used to control the local Church of England village school.

We were right, of course we were, but it is the Jews they went after. It seems that it is not Islamic terrorists that are the real threat but instead three-year-old Orthodox Jewish girls who are not explicitly taught about the wonders of transgenderism.

In an Ofsted report dated 10 May 2017, the full horror of this radical agenda is set out. Supposedly Ofsted is there to ‘raise standards and improve lives.’ In truth it is there to indoctrinate your children into an extremist sexual agenda.

This private Orthodox school was condemned for ‘not paying enough regard to developing respect and tolerance for those who may have protected characteristics as set out in the 2010 Equality Act.’

During the visit the Commissars of Ofsted felt that the school ‘were not able to show that pupils are taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation.’ Remember we are talking about girls aged 3 – 8 years of age.

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