Canada Hopes to Jail People Who Stand Against Transgenderism

May 25, 2016 by

by Jennifer LeClaire, Charisma News:

The slippery slope is slicker than we thought—and it could land Bible-believing Christians into a cold, dark jail cell. At least in Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a troubling statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

I agree, as he says, that everyone deserves to live free of stigma, persecution and discrimination. I agree, as he says, that all people—regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity—have the right to feel safe and secure, and empowered to freely express themselves. God gave us all a free will.

But that’s about where my agreement ends.

“As a society, we have taken many important steps toward recognizing and protecting the legal rights for the LGBTQ2 community—from enshrining equality rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the passage of the Civil Marriage Act. There remains much to be done, though. Far too many people still face harassment, discrimination and violence for being who they are. This is unacceptable,” Trudeau says.

“To do its part, the government of Canada today will introduce legislation that will help ensure transgender and other gender-diverse people can live according to their gender identity, free from discrimination and protected from hate propaganda and hate crimes.”

I am all for legal rights—but not special rights.

I am all for ending hate speech—but the Bible is not hate speech.

Read here

Read also: NYC hits peak gender idiocy by Rod Dreher, The American Conservative


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