Evangelical responses to the ‘Nashville Statement’

Sep 4, 2017 by

by Ian Paul, Psephizo: The ‘Nashville Statement‘ is a ‘manifesto’ comment on the issues around same-sex relations, transgender and the debate on sexual identity issued by the so-called Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW),...

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Christian Doctrine, Sex & Nashville Statement

Sep 4, 2017 by

by Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism: Any public declaration, if effective, will provoke wide controversy and indignation. So the recent Nashville Statement from scores of Evangelical leaders affirming traditional church teaching on marriage...

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Former Lesbian Explains Why She Signed the Nashville Statement

Sep 3, 2017 by

by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Today: Speaker and author Rosaria Butterfield, a former lesbian, explained why she signed the Nashville Statement, which was released by a broad coalition of Christian leaders, including J. I. Packer and...

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‘We are all made in the image of God’: Church leaders join forces to denounce Nashville Statement

Sep 1, 2017 by

by Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today: Hundreds of church leaders have joined forces to denounce an evangelical manifesto that condemns same-sex marriage, promoting instead a message of inclusion in the name of the Christian faith. This...

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Evangelicals Assailed for Affirming Biblical Morality on Sex in ‘Nashville Statement’

Aug 31, 2017 by

by Thomas D Williams, Phd, Breitbart: A new manifesto by leading Evangelical Christians has drawn fire for its embrace of traditional sexual morality based on biblical norms. The declaration, billed as the “Nashville Statement” and signed...

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Broad Coalition of Evangelicals Releases ‘Nashville Statement’ on Human Sexuality, Identity

Aug 30, 2017 by

by Brandon Showalter, Christian Post: A broad coalition of Christian leaders, including J. I. Packer and Francis Chan, have released a statement articulating God’s design for human identity as male and female. Such a statement is...

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