Christian Concern news this week

Dec 3, 2016 by

At Christian Concern, we welcome the Prime Minister’s comments that Christians should be able to speak about Christmas in the workplace; that we should be proud of our Christian heritage and endorse the position that free speech is a ‘jealously guarded principle’.  We want to encourage and support Theresa May in this and we must pray for her.

However, the comments come in a confusing context – an array of other things that don’t quite stack up. The Prime Minister’s comments were subject to the proviso that our speech must be respectful and responsible. Perhaps the Prime Minister was referencing her comments about the young gymnast Louis Smith when she refused to condemn the death threats against him, the abuse and hounding by individuals; and his suspension by his sporting association for his (irresponsible) exercise of free speech.

Christian Concern notes the Reports by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and ResPublica and there is much to commend in them.  However, we at Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre, arguably the primary ‘go to’ body for the defence of Christian liberty in our nation, that has lived out the cases and experiences written about in the reports, has much to say about the reality of what happened in the cases. We have much to say about the reality of what it means to manifest faith today in the workplace in our nation. The Court processes, representation in Court including cost balancing, the definition of religious organisation and the interplay of freedom of religion and non-discrimination are topics too large to canvas in this short comment piece. However, structural reform of a substantive nature is needed.

Read here

Read also:  Andrea Williams:  William Nye, GAFCON UK and the Archbishops’ Council


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