Christian group sues university after being booted for refusing to elect LGBT activist as leader

Jan 24, 2018 by

by Fr Mark Hodges:

A Christian student group has brought legal action against the University of Iowa (UI) for stripping them of club status after the group disqualified an active homosexual from running for leadership. The group disqualified the homosexual because he refused to agree to the group’s policy that leaders must “avoid…any sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman.”

Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC), a group that focuses on service in the community and meets for Bible study, was told by the school that they were censored because student organizations “must adhere to the mission of the university (and its) policies.”

At issue are the qualifications for leadership in the Christian organization.  While anyone may attend BLinC meetings, leaders are chosen only from those who agree to BLinC’s Statement of Faith, “which include(s) avoiding any sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman.”

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