Cowboy chemists are selling ‘DIY trans’ pills to teenagers

Apr 22, 2018 by

by Sanchez Manning, Mailonline:

School children who want to change sex are risking their lives by buying illegal hormone drugs online.

A Mail on Sunday investigation found that increasing numbers of boys under 16 are obtaining prescription-only oestrogen with frightening ease.

They opt for the hormone because it hinders hair growth, induces breast development and reduces muscle mass. But it can cause sexual dysfunction, type 2 diabetes and incontinence, and their effects can be irreversible. They also carry the risk of causing infertility and depression.

Girls wishing to change gender often opt for testosterone, as it encourages facial hair growth, deepens the voice and makes them more muscular but it carries the risk they could develop cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is more difficult to acquire testosterone online – but doctors fear many girls obtain it on the black market.

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