Debating Christianity and Education in a Secular University

Feb 2, 2017 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

‘It is time that the Scottish Education became fully secular – hence all religious practice should be removed’.

This was the motion that Abertay University set for me to debate with my old sparring partner Alistair McBay of the National Secular Society (Sadly Megan Crawford of the Scottish Sec3bmfhzwiaa-t-x-jpg-mediumcular Society was unable to attend).     The debate was well attended and went well.   You can listen to it by clicking on the Sound Cloud link below – this is a recording from a students phone so is not high quality but you can get the gist and hear the content fine.  I would suggest that by far the most interesting bit is the Q and A about half way through….

There was a vote before hand with roughly two thirds being in favour of the motion and one quarter against.  After the debate there was another vote and although there was a little movement in my favour (two people changed to me and one went to Alistair), that was not the real point.  I found the whole thing fascinating and enlightening.  Alistair is a good speaker, but he said nothing that I had not heard before.  What was much more interesting was the reaction of the students.   The vast majority of the questions were for me.

Here are some of the basic lessons I would take from this:

Read here


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