Ensure #FairnessAtRio for Female Athletes

Jul 10, 2016 by

PETITION from CitizenGo:

In August, two British athletes will likely be the first “transgender” men to compete against women at the Olympic Games. We need your help to ensure fairness for female athletes.

Earlier this year, the Olympic Committee reaffirmed and relaxed a rule that allows biological men to compete against biological women. Official Olympic guidelines were altered to allow “transgender” athletes to compete with the gender they identify as, even if they have not had gender reassignment surgery.

The Committee issued a statement, explaining:

To require surgical anatomical changes as a precondition to participation is not necessary to preserve fair competition and may be inconsistent with developing legislation and notions of human rights.

This means that – almost unreservedly – biological men are allowed to compete against biological women.

Men and women are equal in dignity, but biological differences between the genders cannot be ignored for the sake of political correctness. Sign this petition to ask the Olympic Committee to change their policy to ensure #FairnessAtRio for female athletes!

Men have a biological advantage over women in terms of muscle mass, lung capacity, and size. Even non-political sources, such as Psychology Today, are forced to admit:

“Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. . . . Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments. . . .  Men have greater cardiovascular reserve, with larger hearts, greater lung volume per body mass, a higher red blood cell count, and higher haemoglobin.”

A test of strength among elite athletes showed that “the very strongest female athletes are barely above the median of grip strength for men.”

These biological differences do not disappear when a man “decides” to be a female. The best argument that transgender activists can give is that “most” benefits of being biologically male disappear when a man undergoes testosterone-suppression and hormone therapy, but even these tentative assurance are not backed up by scientific evidence!

The Olympic Committee first allowed the participation of transgender athletes in 2003, but this problem moved from abstract this year. It is likely that two British athletes will be the first biological males to compete against women at the Olympic Games in August.

We must act now to ensure #FairnessAtRio!

Please sign this petition to join us in expressing outrage regarding the policy of the Olympic Committee. Common sense cannot be ignored for the sake of “political correctness.”

Read and sign petition here


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