Freedom to change your life: why the Government shouldn’t ban “Reparative Therapy”

Apr 5, 2016 by

by Walt Heyer, Public Discourse.

[…] The freedom of people with same-sex attractions to exercise their civil rights is under siege by legal bullies who hate redeemed and restored lives. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two other groups are out to crush the civil rights of those who desperately desire therapy.

On February 24, the SPLC and other LGBT organizations filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission designed to silence People Can Change (PCC), an organization whose clients seek help in dealing with their same-sex attractions. Four liberal lawmakers added their names to the complaint in an all-out effort to penalize anyone who would offer therapies called “reparative therapy” or “conversion therapy” to anyone who freely asks for it.

The legal filing demonstrates a visceral hatred not only toward these therapies but also toward people who don’t want to act on their same-sex attractions, and want to minimize or perhaps even change them. The legal filing aims to take away the freedom, civil rights, and human rights of people who desire to engage in therapies rather than in same-sex relationships. The SPLC tactic is to harass organizations that offer therapy with which they do not agree…

… We who have come out of the lesbian, gay, or transgender lifestyle found the serenity and satisfaction we had desired all our lives. Our lives should be celebrated, not condemned or dismissed. Our lives are proof of the effectiveness of therapy for some individuals, regardless of what the detractors do to disparage or ban it.

Read here

See also: ‘Gay cure’ – Christians debate…

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