‘Gender-neutral’ Swedish preschools teach boys to wear dresses

Apr 4, 2018 by

by Claire Chretien, Lifesite:

Many government-funded Swedish preschools are “gender-neutral” and teach youngsters to reject their natural inclinations toward masculine or feminine activities, instead requiring them to do activities usually associated with the opposite sex.

“A preschool’s approach to gender has now become a common question before enrollment,” the New York Times reported in a profile of these schools. Swedish teachers “are doing what they can to deconstruct” gender.

Since 1998, state curriculum has required teachers to “counteract traditional gender roles and gender patterns.”

Schools go about this in different ways, largely based on their leadership. Many Swedish children begin going to these programs when they are just one year old.

At the dawn of this massive social experiment, “Boys and girls at the preschools were separated for part of the day and coached in traits associated with the other gender. Boys massaged each other’s feet. Girls were led in barefoot walks in the snow, and told to throw open the window and scream.”

Now, preschools use a variety of techniques to eliminate gender from the classroom, and make girls act like boys and vice versa. They prevent kids from playing only with other boys or girls. Boys are sent to a play kitchen while girls practice shouting “No!” Preschools now have “gender specialists” on staff who can address problems like boys refusing to paint or dance, or students drawing eyelashes only on female subjects.

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