General Synod February 2016: Suggestions for prayer.

Feb 15, 2016 by

The second Group of Sessions of the current General Synod (for 2015 to 2020) take place at Church House in London from Monday afternoon to Wednesday (15th to 17th February).

Please pray:

For the meetings for prayer and discussion during the Synod of conservative evangelicals and others wanting to maintain a clear, historic, bible-believing witness within the Church of England.

For the various fringe meetings, including Anglican Mainstream (Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, and Edmund Adamus of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, on the subject of “Marriage, and Being Human”); Living Out (on Christians with a same-sex attraction seeking to follow Jesus by living a lifestyle in accordance with Scriptural principles, with Sam Allberry, Ed Shaw and Sean Doherty) and Christian Concern (Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and Prof Julian Rivers on ‘Are Christians extremist?’)

For guidance on the Proposed Enabling Measure (see details here) – whether a way can be found to remove barriers to mission quickly, avoiding long processes of Synodical and Parliamentary assent sometimes taking years, without elected Synod members losing their proper role within  the decision-making process.

Similarly, that the Draft Mission and Pastoral etc (Amendment) Measure  will allow processes to be simplified without adversely affecting the role played by evangelical patrons in safeguarding evangelical Gospel ministry’

Then, that the latest proposals for Resourcing Ministerial Education  will be open to amendments: to balance the need for continued availability of high quality residential training for clergy, with the realities of financial constraints, and the potential benefits of moving in the direction of more part-time and in-service training.

For wisdom in the debate on the Report of the Church of England – Church of Scotland Joint Study Group: that the Scottish Episcopal Church won’t be sidelined, and for appreciation of the riches of the Reformed theology on which the Church of Scotland is based.


That the debate on the issue of poverty in Britain, and in particular the impact of over-zealous application of rules for benefit claimants, will bring unity among Synod members rather than divisions along political lines, and may result in compassionate, wise advice being passed on to government.

That the Questions session will enable Synod members to hold the powers-that-be to account, highlight items for concern and encouragement..


Then, give thanks for the report of the Evangelism Task Force, which clearly states the privilege and obligation for every Christian to share the good news of Christ, and provides a vision of C of E churches making the Gospel known in communities up and down the land. Pray that the debate will result in opportunities for sharing the Biblical Gospel and encouraging evangelism in the local church.

Looking slightly further ahead, please pray that godly men and women will stand in the future round of elections to boards and committees, including the Council for Christian Unity, the Ministry Council and the Council of Mission and Public Affairs.



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