General Synod July 2017: Five steps away from Biblical Christianity

Jul 11, 2017 by

By Susie Leafe, Director of Reform (UK), AAC:

The July 2017 sessions of the Church of England’s General Synod (or parliament) were very significant for the future of the Church.

Again and again, both the decisions made, and the manner in which they were made, showed scant regard for Scripture or the traditions of the Church. Instead, members were asked to base their decisions on emotional stories or the impact of secular headlines.

More worryingly, perhaps, was the atmosphere of the chamber; God’s word was mocked openly and decisions were made lightly, with arrogant laughter. As one member put it: “God is not mocked. The laughter and lack of respect for those who bravely gave the alternate case was beyond words. Bruised, battered, bullied, betrayed, bewildered.”

STEP ONE: Synod REJECTED defining ‘the common good’ in biblical terms.

Encouraged by the Archbishop of York, General Synod voted to reject two amendments to a motion about how we should respond to the general election.

The first, sought to encourage our prayers for the ‘common good’ to be in line with that which is “revealed in the Bible and taught by the Church”. The Archbishop’s response to this was, “The became Word made flesh and sadly we are now making it word, word, word”.

The other urged the government to reduce economic inequality, safeguard he sanctity of life, promote marriage and the family and maintain the fundamental freedom of biblical based speech and the manifestation of the Christian faith. The Archbishop of York said that “There were many things there that one wouldn’t want to disagree with really,” but it would require too detailed an argument so better to say nothing.

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