Is Christianity homophobic?

May 10, 2016 by

by David Robertson, Christian Today:

The bookstore in Glasgow was packed. The talk on science and the Christian faith went well. The time came for questions. The bookstore manager was desperate to be first – “What do you think about homosexuality?”.

“Why are you asking me that?” I replied. “This is a discussion on science and faith. Are you really interested in what I think, or are you just making an accusation – ‘why are you such a homophobe?'” The bookstore manager smiled ruefully and agreed that it was the latter. It is an experience I have had up and down the country. No matter the subject or the age group, the question is probably one of the top three I am asked. It is clearly one that is a stumbling block to many people, and is used as a ‘shibboleth’ issue in our culture. If there is anything that proves that Christianity is regressive, then surely this is it?

Given that only 1-2 per cent of the population are homosexual, why has this question become so important? Is it because the Church is so sex obsessed? All that Catholic guilt, Calvinist angst and fundamentalist hypocrisy? Sometimes it might seem as though the Anglicans, Catholics, Church of Scotland et al, have nothing else on their agenda. The truth is that while there are some Christians who seem to have an unhealthy interest in this issue, the vast majority of Christians and churches are not constantly talking about sex and sexuality. I think in 30 years preaching I may have preached on the subject four times, out of at least 3,000 sermons! It hardly amounts to obsession. The truth is that it is our culture that is obsessed with sex and sexuality. Attitudes to homosexuality have become the touchstone issue. Government funded lobby groups ensure that the ‘gay agenda’ is kept to the forefront. Every potential politician is vetted by the LGBTI activists to find out if they are gay friendly. Companies are investigated, schools assessed, journalists vetoed. It takes a brave person to stand against such an overwhelming tide.

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