Is It Time for UN Feminists to Pack it in?

Apr 20, 2018 by

by Austin Ruse, C-Fam:

It was a rather poignant moment; a feminist lamenting their lack of progress on abortion at the recently completed Commission on the Status of Women.

She said, “As a caucus we have been dissatisfied. If we are not going to move forward, this is a waste of our time as feminists. I have already had some conversations with UN Women and other groups that something has to change, because as I said, it is not worth my time and energy to come here and do this if we are left with less than nothing.”

How much more upset is she since we ended yet another commission on Friday with no document? The Commission on Population and Development ended last Friday afternoon with delegates agreeing that no agreement was possible. What were the issues? Abortion and national sovereignty.

For the Europeans, the long legacy of leftist politics lives on in their brand of feminism. They ardently spread the core tenet of their ideology, radical sexual autonomy, all over the world and most especially to impose it on African women. The Africans resisted, so did the Trump administration. The Europeans would rather have had no document than one that did not promote abortion. Fine. No document.

Here’s the thing. The feminists have spent a quarter century promoting abortion at the UN and they have not gotten even one syllable further than they did at the Cairo Conference in 1994. And how humiliating for them that they cannot come right out and ask for what they want; they have to use intentionally vague, aka sneaky, language, like reproductive health. But, they even have to fight tooth and nail to get their sneaky language agree to.

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