Islamic State: ‘Why We Hate You and Why We Fight You’

May 27, 2017 by

by Thomas D Williams PhD:

In the most recent issue of their online magazine Dabiq, the Islamic State issued precise marching orders to Muslims throughout the world, urging them to take up jihadist terror according to a model of simplicity and effectiveness.

The magazine, titled Break the Cross, professes a divine origin to Islamic terrorism, asserting that “Muslims have been commanded to terrorize the disbelieving enemies of Allah.”

Along with the general summons to terrorize infidels, ISIS offers “a final word of advice to you regarding your operation,” telling prospective jihadists not to make “intricate plans,” but instead, “keep it simple and effective.”

“If you can obtain a weapon, do so and use it, as soon as possible and in a place that will cause the most damage and panic,” the article reads, “bringing death and injury to the enemy of Allah, the disbelievers.”

The Islamists also resent their terror being qualified as “senseless violence,” insisting rather that there is meaning and purpose behind it.

“One would think that the average Westerner, by now, would have abandoned the tired claim that the actions of the mujahidin – who have repeatedly stated their goals, intentions, and motivations – don’t make sense,” the magazine states.

With all the crimes against Muslims, the authors continue, the “only thing senseless would be for there to be no violent, fierce retaliation in the first place!”

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