Jordan Peterson: Gender ideology is ‘completely insane’

Mar 24, 2018 by

by Dorothy Cummings McLean, LifeSite:

Psychologist and free-speech hero Dr. Jordan Peterson recently condemned the indoctrination of seventh-graders into gender ideology, what he called a new “unquestionable doctrine” that is “completely insane.”

Speaking to actor and podcast host Duncan Trussell earlier this month, Peterson explained that harmless-looking cartoon characters such as ‘genderbread person’ or a unicorn are used to teach children that their biological sex, psychological sense of their sex, the way they dress, and their erotic feelings towards others are all independent of each other.

“Sometimes it’s a unicorn, and sometimes it’s a gingerbread man, and it’s called the Gender Unicorn or the Genderbread [person]. Oh, there’s a teddy bear too,” Peterson said.

The cartoons introduce four rows labeled “sex assigned at birth”, “gender identity”, “gender expression” and “sexual preference.” Children are asked to put an X anywhere along the four continuums to indicate where they fall in all these apparently separate realms.

“That’s Grade 7,” (UK age 12-13 – Ed) said Peterson. “That’s basically targeted to junior high and above. And so you see, it’s inculcating a particular kind of philosophy of identity.”

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