Labour’s identity politics continues to eat itself

Feb 13, 2018 by

by Mark Wallace, Conservative Home:

Labour’s obsession with identity politics continues to backfire. So far this year they have already suffered a row over the East Midlands Labour conference, at which attendees were offered discounts based on the colour of their skin, and there is a running battle underway between trans activists and some feminists over self-identification and access to All-Women Shortlists.

Now there’s a whole new dispute, this time over Young Labour’s “Equalities Conference” – which, it turns out, you cannot attend if you are (correction: define yourself as) a straight, able-bodied, white male.

Again this is a case of the left being hoist on its own identity politics petard. Equality, we are told, is an issue for everyone to take an interest in. Beneficiaries of ‘privilege’, which is hereditary by race or baked-in with gender, in particular must wake up, open their minds and listen to learn the realities of inequality. But when there’s an equalities conference, it isn’t open to all, and it’s explicitly those deemed to be privileged who are not allowed to attend.

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