Legalised lying and gender engineering. This is conservative?

Jul 24, 2017 by

by Melanie Phillips:

The British government intends to change the law so that adults can alter at will the sex registered on their birth certificates.

At present, a person who wishes to change gender must apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. This requires a doctor’s diagnosis of gender dysphoria certifying that the individual has spent two years of living in the opposite gender. All that will be needed in future is for a man to say he is now a woman and vice versa for their birth certificate to be changed.

Such a birth certificate will thus be a lie. For whether or not the person should be recognised as having changed sex now, he or she was born a girl or a boy. This Conservative government – conservative! – will thus be putting legalised lying onto the statute book.

This is why the Conservative Party has lost its way.

The Spectator has today kindly republished on its Coffee House website the cover story I wrote for it about this issue in January last year. I am therefore also taking the opportunity to republish it below for the interest of those who may have missed it last time round.

Read here

Read new study on how men’s and women’s brains differ


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