Lenten Meditations: Friday 27 February

Feb 26, 2021 by


Feb 27

am: 40, 54

pm: 51

Deut 10:12-22 Heb 4:11-16 John 3:22-36


FRIDAY OF LENT I – Feast Blessed George Herbert, Priest (1633).


LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY: – On this day we recall one of the great examples of the priesthood in the Anglican expression of the catholic faith.  Herbert was born in Wales and educated at Cambridge. He was a Church of England clergyman from 1630 and has become famous for his distinctive religious poetry. He spent the rest of his life as rector in Bemerton near Salisbury. At Bemerton, George Herbert preached and wrote poetry; helped rebuild the church out of his own funds; he cared deeply for his parishioners. He came to be known as “Holy Mr. Herbert” around the countryside in the three years before his death. Prior to this he wrote:  A Priest to the Temple (1652), a manual of practical advice to priests, bears witness to the intelligent devotion with which he undertook his duties as priest. Herbert had long been in ill health. On his deathbed, he sent the manuscript of The Temple to Nicholas Ferrar, asking him to publish the poems only if he thought they might do good to “any dejected poor soul.”3 It was published in 1633 and met with enormous popular acclaim—it had 13 printings by 1680.


MEDITATION OF THE DAY:  Given the gift Blessed George Herbert had for poetry and spirituality it seems purposeful that we spend a good bit of time today reflecting on both Psalms. Perhaps it is providential that f Psalm 51  is appointed on this day for the Office lessons. The Psalmist has a yearning a longing for a right Spirit, a new self in a world that is troubled and lost even chaotic and senseless. Certainly, those sentiment resonate with many as jobs are lost, politics becomes mores polemical and divisive. We increasingly harbor hurt and resentment and that resentment when it builds ups makes a heart not of the Lord .Nonetheless, as we are reminded  that while there may be evil and  enemies, the Lord can renew and restore us . The words of this Psalm are a prayer for us to find our  path back to God who is compassion, grace and hope in a world where such is difficult to find, as Herbert himself so often illustrated  in his own offerings and meditations.


PRAYER OF THE DAY: Creator of my life, renew me: bring me to new life in you. Touch me and make me feel whole again. Help me to see your love in the passion, death and resurrection of your son. Help me to observe Lent in a way that allows me to celebrate that love. Prepare me for these weeks of Lent as I feel both deep sorrow for my sins and your undying love for me. Amen


ANCIENT WISDOM/PRESENT GRACE: Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along”.– George Herbert.


LENTEN DISCIPLINE Go to this link and learn more about the power of prayer in the Words of George Herbert https://youtu.be/9pfGr4B2rz8

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