Lenten Meditations: Wednesday 21 February

Feb 21, 2018 by

Feb 21
am: 119:49-72
pm: 49, 53
Gen 37:25-36 1 Cor 2:1-13 Mark 1:29-45

LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY Peter Damian, Monk and Reformer 1021

LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY:  On the calendar in the Latin Rite is commemorated a very interesting person in Saint Peter Damian, the Doctor of Reform and Renewal. The church went through its own ‘dark ages’. Peter helped stamp out Simony and other scandals. God’s grace empowered him to usher in immense reform.  He was Camaldolese monk, who followed a strict rule of St Benedict. He started a reform with the expansion of his Order and enforced strict guidelines for the clergy everywhere with the authority given to him. He taught that every person be regarded as the whole church and he strove mightily in helping others in works of charity.


MEDITATION OF THE DAY:  The verses at the end of this section of the 1st Chapter are worthy of our reflection especially given the liturgical setting of the season of Lent. Through what means will Jesus seek and serve the world and thus manifest his kingdom.

Mark presents us with a Jesus who chooses to remain remote but also seeks to stay on mission. Mark repeatedly indicates that “proclaiming” or “preaching” for Jesus goes beyond words and messages it all points to the Kingdom, In. all manners and ways in which Mark makes God’s reign (or “kingdom,” as traditionally translated) known and observable it demonstrates what God’s reign looks like, and it has real effects as it delivers people, heals people, restores people to community, forgives people, and speaks truth to power. All that is to say the Word of God is trans formative. What will it take for the Word of God to transform me today to live boldly and unapologetically for Christ?


PRAYER OF THE DAY: Heavenly Father, we pray that we who are called your children will truly grow in gentleness – that we will display a gentle spirit when interacting with family, friends, fellow believers, co-workers and the world. We desire to live lives that display to the world what it’s like to be a Christian that we might be effective witnesses to your love, but so often we fall short. We lose patience, focus exclusively on ourselves and our needs, and are often anything but gentle in our dealings with others. As a result, we show a very fractured likeness of Jesus. Forgive us, Lord. In a world where relationships so often seem devoid of a gentle spirit, help us to reflect a Christ-like gentleness as your servant St. Leo did so that we may bring honor and glory to your name. Amen


LENTEN DISCIPLINE –  Not sure how to undertake a DISCIPLINE PART ii…. try this

Give up jealousy-pray for trust.
Give up gossiping-control your tongue.
Give up sin-turn to virtue.
Give up giving up-hang in there!

ANCIENT WISDOM/PRESENT GRACE:  ‘This is our Lord’s will, … that our prayer and our trust be, alike, large. For if we do not trust as much as we pray, we fail in full worship to our Lord in our prayer; and, we hinder and hurt ourselves…”- Dame Julien of Norwich

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