Listen to Jordan Peterson, and believe

Jan 29, 2018 by

In her book The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History, Jane Ellis gives a detailed account of state suppression of Christians by atheist propaganda, the KGB, Black Marias at dawn and the Gulag. Then she asks: ‘Why does the Russian Orthodox Church still exist?’ She was writing in 1986, before the collapse of communism. The question was answered in the same way that one might respond today to the young graduate who thinks that social conservatism will be banished by a new world order. The spirit lives on, despite Left-wing dogma, the Equality Act, brainwashing by the BBC and schools and the march through the institutions.

Jordan Peterson, much in the news of late, wants you to believe. He’s no evangelical Christian, but a man who sees the value of meaningfulness in our lives, which he gives the proper noun of Being. Reading his book Twelve Rules, I was greatly impressed by the foreword written by his acquaintance Norman Doidge. Rarely is a foreword so perfectly tuned to the message of the book. Doidge, a psychiatrist and author of The Brain that Changes Itself introduces the problem of a post-religious culture and the vacuous thinking of the university-educated but unenlightened younger generations.

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