Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy: Chaos and LGBT

May 5, 2016 by

By Wendy Wright, C-Fam:

As President Obama nears the end of his term his foreign policy remains indecipherable even to experts. His reticence in foreign affairs – even in cases of genocide – is legendary, except for one matter. A coordinated game plan on one key issue emerges through officials’ speeches, obscure overseas funding, even “buttonholing” diplomats in UN bathrooms to reveal an Obama foreign policy priority.

“Internationally, this Administration has bent over backwards to promote LGBT rights globally but stay silent as Christian minorities abroad suffer persecution and in the Middle East genocide,” a former senior State Department official told the Friday Fax.

In 2011 Hillary Clinton declared lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights a priority and Obama established a “Global Equality Fund” to give money to LGBT activists who combat restrictions such as requiring that persons identify their biological sex on passports.

This expanded the political preference already given to abortion groups. In President Obama’s first week in office he directed U.S. aid go to abortion groups in other countries. The two issues go hand-in-hand, as they are called in international circles “sexual and reproductive health and rights.”

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