On LGBT, Evangelical Colleges At Bargaining Stage

Aug 3, 2017 by

by Rod Dreher, The American Conservative:

An Evangelical professor really, really doesn’t like what Carl Trueman and I said about the coming “Waterloo Of The Christian Colleges,” in which Christian liberal arts colleges will either violate Christian orthodoxy and submit to the Zeitgeist on LGBT issues, or accept that they will pay a heavy price for fidelity. Prof. Chris Gehrz of Bethel University in Minnesota writes, in part:

While the CCCU affirmed a traditional stance on marriage in 2015, it eventually developed a “collaborative” membership category for institutions that disagreed on that issue but otherwise met consortium criteria. And despite a tense confrontation in 2016 in the California state legislature, where Christian colleges lobbied against a proposed anti-discrimination bill, by the end of last year the leaders of the CCCU and National Association of Evangelicals were promoting a “Fairness for All” initiative to reconcile LGBT rights and religious liberty.

But such conversations and compromises are precisely what horrify conservatives like Carl Trueman, a church history professor at Westminster Theological Seminary.

They “horrify” him because he knows exactly how they’re going to turn out. LGBT advocates construe Biblical orthodoxy as the equivalent of racism. Few Christians today would tolerate compromise with white supremacy on campus. More:

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