Our Anti-Bullying Bullies – And Some Clueless Christians

Nov 22, 2016 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

Everyone – except the hard-core ideologues of the left – can now see what a joke the so-called Safe Schools program is. Indeed, the whole world can now see that the chief architect of this “anti-bullying” program is a bully himself/herself.

Roz Ward was caught out attacking and bullying a Trump supporter in Melbourne recently, and in this case the photos sure do not lie. Ward is a Marxist thug, and like so many of his/her leftist colleagues who go on and on about tolerance, is not in the least bit interested in tolerance when anyone dares to differ.

ssc-ward-10While this photo says it all, let me recap things for those not in the know. Pictures have emerged showing how Ward was trying to rip a hat off a young man at a “No to Trump” rally in Melbourne recently put on by the Monash Student Association.

This clear case of bullying has renewed calls for the sacking of Ward. The Marxist hardliner has already caused controversy by posting a photo of the homosexual flag on Facebook with the comment: “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done”.

The comment about the red flag of communism is not some slipup. This Marxist has made it clear that the Safe Schools Coalition (SSC) is in fact all about pushing Marxism in the schools. As he/she proudly stated, “I not only teach people how to be gay, I teach them how to be gay and communist, so invite me to your school if you will.”

[…] So even secular leftists are getting real uneasy about this hard-core Marxist. And well they should be. Both Ward and the SSC are completely unacceptable. Yet incredibly we have some rather clueless Christians who still are supporting it, thinking it is just peachy.

That is just mind-boggling, but biblical discernment has long been on the wane among many Christian groups, especially those moving in a more trendy “progressive” direction. As I wrote just a few days ago, the Victorian Salvation Army has decided that they will throw their full support behind this diabolical program.

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