Places of worship say ‘no’ to same-sex marriage

Dec 5, 2017 by

from Coalition for Marriage:

The overwhelming majority of places of worship in Britain have rejected same-sex marriage, a new study has found.

There are around 40,000 places of worship in Britain in which a traditional marriage may be solemnised. Only 182 of these are registered to conduct same-sex weddings.

The study also found that amongst those places of worship registered to conduct same-sex marriages, half of those which responded to the researchers had never done so.

An important victory

The study by academics at the University of York highlights the impact of protections for freedom of religion which we campaigned for and won when marriage was redefined in law.

This means that same-sex marriages cannot be celebrated on religious premises or in a religious ceremony without express consent from the religious organisation concerned in most cases.

We also secured a blanket legal protection for the Church of England and the Church in Wales from having to conduct same-sex marriages.

All other denominations and faiths may choose to opt-in to conduct same-sex weddings, but are under no compulsion to do so.

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