Preparing a Foundation for the Curtailment of Religious Liberty

Jan 10, 2018 by

New Research Targets Conservative Religious Beliefs on Same-Sex Sexuality’
Reviewed by Christopher Rosik, Ph.D.
A recently published study (Sowe, Taylor, & Brown, 2017) appears to move psychology’s attack on conservative religious beliefs about
same-sex sexuality to a new level.
The study appeared in the American Psychological Association affiliated journal, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.  In what
follows, I will outline the study’s methodology and findings with extensive quotations from the authors, ending with a critical review of the conclusions and implications drawn by these researchers.
Study Overview
As is common to nearly all research in the area of health disparities among sexual orientations, Sowe et al. ground their study exclusively on the minority stress theory. In this view, disproportionately high rates of mental and physical distress among LGB populations are exclusively attributed to the disproportionately prejudicial social conditions they experience. However, this study forges new ground by focusing specifically on traditional Christian beliefs regarding same-sex sexuality as key source of that disproportional prejudice, noting that anti-gay prejudice is frequently religious-based. Further, the authors contend that religious anti-gay prejudice negatively impacts not just LGB individuals within conservative religious contexts, but also LGB and even heterosexual persons outside these churches who are simply exposed to or anticipate being exposed to anti-gay doctrine.

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