Private religious school failed by Ofsted for teaching young earth creationism as science

Apr 22, 2016 by

from British Humanist Association:

In news that could have wide implications for the teaching of creationism in private schools, an independent religious school in London has been criticised by Ofsted for having a policy which ‘promotes the teaching of incorrect content’ on evolution and creationism, and told that it does not meet the minimum standards for an independent school. Getters Talmud Torah’s downgrading is the first time the British Humanist Association (BHA) is aware of this happening in a private school. The BHA, whose ‘Teach evolution, not creationism!’ campaign saw evolution being taught as part of the primary national curriculum for the first time this academic year, has welcomed Ofsted’s efforts to crack down on the teaching of creationism and called on a similar approach to be adopted in other private schools.

The school’s policy states that ‘our curricula for Science, Geography and History will not reference evolution or prehistoric events that would de facto predate the creation of the world 5776 years ago’. Ofsted’s report says that as a consequence of the school’s approach to evolution and the age of the earth, ‘the curriculum still does not ensure pupils have sufficient or correct knowledge and understanding in the required areas of their education.’

This is particularly notable given the number of private religious schools around the country that are known to be teaching creationism as fact. Whilst this is banned in state-funded schools – the model funding agreement for academies, for instance, states that ‘the Academy Trust must not allow any view or theory to be taught as evidence-based if it is contrary to established scientific or historical evidence’ – it remains ambiguous as to whether or not it is permitted in private schools, which are only required to give pupils ‘experience in… scientific education’. This latest report, however, suggests that Ofsted may well be looking to take a tougher stance on pseudoscientific and creationist teaching in the future.

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