Responding to the sexual revolution

Jul 22, 2017 by

by Peter Jon Mitchell, MercatorNet:

Finding a Christian counter-narrative.

Glynn Harrison’s new book A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing (Inter Varsity Press, 2017), grapples with the lessons the sexual revolution has for the Christian community. He challenges Christians to think deeply about pressing questions of identity and human flourishing. As the title suggests, Harrison’s book reflects on what a Christian counter-narrative for human flourishing might have to offer people in the wake of the cultural revolution.

Dr. Harrison was formerly Professor and Head of Department of Psychiatry, University of Bristol, UK, and now speaks on issues at the interface between Christian faith and psychology, neuroscience and psychiatry. Cardus Family recently reached Dr. Harrison by phone in London.

Peter Jon Mitchell: Your book A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing interprets the sexual revolution for Christian communities and proposes an engaging narrative—a better story—that the Christian community can share. There is a sense that the church must share this better story from a posture of humility. What motivated you to write this book at this particular cultural moment?

Glynn Harrison: Yes, my book is written primarily for Christians who want to remain faithful to the tradition that has guided the Christian understanding of sex and marriage for the past two millennia. I was motivated to write A Better Story by three factors.

First, there are still many in the Christian community have not yet fully grasped the scale of the social and cultural upheaval we are immersed in. Many Christians here in the UK seem to be hoping that if we keep our heads down long enough, it will all go away. But it isn’t going away. And as the revolution continues to unfold society has already moved on from deconstructing marriage to deconstructing the very idea of sex (male and female) itself.

We can’t go on trying to keep our heads down on these major challenges to faith.

Read here


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