Robbing children of their innocence

May 4, 2016 by

by Michael Cook, MercatorNet:

A documentary outlines the development of a disturbing program for sex education.
When it comes time to talk about the birds and bees to their kids, many parents go AWOL, leaving their sprogs to learn about the facts of life from TV, their friends and the internet. No one thinks that this is an ideal situation, so schools step in with sex ed programs.

These have always been controversial, but the latest development ought to outrage parents. It is the global spread of “comprehensive sex education” (CSE).

The package comes with various labels and contents. But the common denominator is the notion that sex is about pleasure and pushing the boundaries, not about babies and responsibility. It assumes that children of all ages are naturally sexual and need to be taught how to engage in sexual activity even as toddlers.

Amongst the well-funded international organisations which are pushing CSE curricula for schools are various institutions under the umbrella of the United Nations like the United Nations Population Fund, UNESCO, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), the Population Council, and International Planned Parenthood.

However, the principles of CSE have been incorporated into curricula by national organisations. The controversy in Australia over teaching materials provided by the Safe Schools Coalition simply reflects trends in other countries.

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