Scotland’s Little Pink Guards – The Strange Case of the School Chaplain, Time for Exclusive Education and Mob Rule

Apr 19, 2018 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

If the Israel Folau incident gives us an insight into how our ‘liberal’ elites seek to bully Christians into accepting their doctrines, then what has been happening back home in Scotland to the Church of Scotland minister Mike Goss gives another.

The following appeared in The Courier this week:

School chaplain accused of being anti-LGBTQ+

[…]  The Courier has now carried this story for three days, and it has been picked up by other national newspapers.   The standard narrative is that of homophobic minister being challenged to resign by hundreds of brave pupils.   But the facts (such inconvenient things when you are trying to run a hate campaign!) are very different.

The campaign is based on lies.  Indeed the petition itself is libellous.  They cannot give one example of Mike having made a hateful statement or discriminated or said anything against any LGBTQI (don’t forget the +) pupil.  Not unless they consider having a different opinion about SSM as ‘hateful’.  To be fair, they probably do.  The depth of intolerance, ignorance and stupidity that is being fed into our children means that doubtless some think that to disagree with someone is to hate them.

Contrary to what the TIE (Time for Inclusive Education – an Orwellian title if ever there was – because what they want, as this campaign indicates is an exclusive education, excluding everyone who does not conform to their view) organisation stated in The Herald  – this is not Scotland’s pupils making their voice known.  It is a tiny minority of activists.

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