Shakespeare on religion: 8 quotes from the greatest English writer

Apr 27, 2017 by

Christian Today:

William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the greatest poet and dramatist ever to write in English, was probably born on April 23, but was baptised on this day (April 26) at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.

It was a time of religious turmoil in England. Henry VIII had broken with Rome and established the Church of England in 1534. His son Edward VI was another Protestant, but died in 1553 at the age of only 16. His sister Mary, who ruled until 1558, sought to restore Catholicism and persecuted Protestants fiercly, earning the name ‘Bloody Mary’. Under her sister Elizabeth I – another Protestant – relative harmony returned, though Catholics were feared and distrusted.

Shakespeare was christened into the Church of England, though many have speculated based on clues in his writings that he was secretly a Catholic.

We will probably never know, but what’s clear is that his work is shot through with religious references and spiritual concerns. His characters take God seriously, and talk the language of belief. Here are nine (sic) quotes from Shakespeare on faith.

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