Southwark Declaration

Nov 3, 2017 by

Southwark Declaration posted on Cathedral doors. Protest action follows 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s complaint against church corruption.

Full text of Southwark Declaration, accompanying statement and press release by Kent vicar here Southwark Declaration posted on doors of Canterbury Cathedral

Priests pin declaration to cathedral doors in protest against ‘corrupt’ Church by Hattie Williams, Church Times

Priest behind Reformation stunt protest: Canterbury Cathedral ‘synonymous with abdication and dereliction of duty’ by Harry Farley, Christian Today

Anglicans Pin 95 Theses-Style Complaint on LGBT Issues to Doors of 5 UK Cathedrals by Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media

More UK cathedrals targeted for Luther-style protest warning Church ‘in crisis’ over gay relationships by Harry Farley, Christian Today

Reformation 500 stunt as rebel priests call Church ‘corrupt’ in declarations pinned to St Paul’s Cathedral door, Harry Farley, CT

Martin Saunders thinks that it would be better to pin up an apology for homophobia and racism –4 better things to pin to a church door than an anti-gay manifesto, CT

Comment from Anglican Mainstream:

This protest is happening because hard working faithful clergy have serious concerns about the direction of the C of E which are not being listened to. They also want to remind people of the positive and life-affirming biblical teaching about sex and marriage which are not being promoted confidently, or even contradicted by the Bishops. These clergy feel excluded from the structures of power which are now dominated by an unaccountable elite. Decisions are being made by the church authorities which appear to contradict the basic beliefs on which clergy signed up for ministry in the first place, and then they’re told to just shut up and accept it. People shouldn’t be surprised if some find ways of expressing their concern and frustration with the leadership, in ways that are highly visible but not dangerous or disruptive. Those who agree with the sentiments of the Declaration, but are critical of the method of public posting, could validly be asked what they are doing to encourage the leadership of the C of E to give a clear lead based on biblical orthodoxy. Those who don’t agree with the content should recognise that freedom of speech is still at least in theory part of our country’s history.

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