Terror in Europe: news and analysis (regularly updated)

Jul 28, 2016 by

Newest items at the top:

Attacks are forcing Germany to examine civil freedoms, by Jenny Hill, BBC

Clerics who threaten reformers and praise murderers, by Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute

Choudary conviction proves ‘dangerous’ counter-terror laws are not needed, say free speech campaigners, by Harry Farley, Christian Today

Going undercover against extremism, by Steve Swann and Dominic Casciani, BBC

Video showing Muslim cleric’s son chanting ‘death to all Christians’ sparks outrage in Belgium, Christian Today

Is Britain really safe from Islamist terror? by Simon Heffer, Telegraph

Islamist terror could kill off the West’s liberal values by Janet Daley, Telegraph

Turkey’s Tradition of Murdering Christians by Robert Jones, Gatestone Institute

Will Europe Refuse to Kneel like the Heroic French Priest? by Giulio Meotti, Gatestone Institute

The Pope’s comments on Fr Hamel’s murder were very mysterious by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic Herald

No Matter How Many Priests ISIS Kills, They Can’t Win by Hans Fiene, The Federalist

Jihad comes to church by Tim Dieppe, Christian Concern

Islamic State and secular France are locked in an existential war by Jocelyne Cesari, MercatorNet

The meaning of Martyrdom by Ian Paul, Psephizo

Islamist Terrorism, European Denial, Gatestone Institute

Why France has produced a recipe for endless Islamist terrorist attacks, Premier Christianity

Pope Francis is in denial: our struggle is religious, by Archbishop Cranmer

Security services warn: attack in UK likely, Telegraph

Jihad, France and Christian Civilisation by Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch

Isil knows its priorities – and killing Christians is one of them by Shashank Joshi, Telegraph

ANALYSIS Is Christianity killing Europe? by Ed West, Lapido Media

Jihadis: Who Are Their Targets? by Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute

A Martyr the World Must Remember by Fr Benedict Keily, FaithZette

Europe: do we have the right to criticize Islam? By Gregor Puppinck, European Centre for Law and Justice


Other perspectives

Paul Blackwood, Church Urban Fund, does not want to talk about jihadist Islamism against Western culture, but hate and fear against love and peace: Father Jacques and opposing hate

For Martin Gorick, Archdeacon of Oxford, the real problem we are facing is the potential for a right-wing, anti-Muslim backlash (Diocese of Oxford Weekly News). [Really? – Ed]

Nicolas Henin says that we need to understand a matrix of reasons for the violence: political, religious and psycho-social – We can’t beat terror until we understand why it happens (Guardian)




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