The BBC’s shameful silence on the Telford sex scandal

Mar 13, 2018 by

by Douglas Murray, Spectator:

Last month, I wrote here about the BBC and ‘grooming gangs’. In particular, I speculated that it was unlikely that having once (after more than a decade) dramatized the mass gang-rape of British girls (and a man from Wales having partly been fired-up by it then ploughing a van into a crowd outside a mosque) that the BBC might not venture into such territory again. As I said, ‘nobody should be surprised if the BBC reverts to ignoring crimes like Rochdale in the future.

As so often the situation is worse than I imagined. While I could see that the BBC drama department might be unlikely to again commission a programme looking at the most serious and widespread child-abuse to have occurred in Britain in modern times I thought that they might at least still report the news. No such luck.

[…]  As Ed West pointed out on Twitter, this morning the story was not even on the front page of the BBC’s website: 

Read here

See also: Why do state and BBC ignore mass child rape culture? Because they can’t handle the truth, by Paul Horgan, The Conservative Woman


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