The Bottom Line on Marriage

Nov 16, 2017 by

by John Horvat II, Return to Order:

There are those who attack traditional marriage and say this sacred institution should no longer be defined in terms of the procreation of the human race and the mutual love and support of a man and a woman. Such advocates of “redefining” marriage fail to understand that we do so at great risk.

There are plenty of moral arguments that deal with the need to defend traditional marriage. However, many refuse to recognize the existence of an objective morality, relying instead upon subjective feelings. For these, perhaps the best way to explain the importance of this essential institution is in terms that people today understand best—economic terms.

And so the bottom line is this: a wedding is more than just a social celebration; it is also a major economic event. It signals the entry of a new entity—the family—into an economy that naturally favors balanced production and consumption. By its very nature, the family expands the economy by celebrating and welcoming new life since children are seen as blessings, not burdens.

“Economy” in its original sense was born around the warm hearth of the home, as it originally referred to the management of the household. The family home conveys the idea of an ideal school of temperance that teaches its members duty and responsibility, self-sacrifice and joyful celebration. If we want to return to some kind of prosperity, the family based on traditional marriage is indispensable. There is no substitute.

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