The Great Liberal Experiment Is Dying

Aug 31, 2017 by

by John Horvat II, Return to Order:

[…]  Many social commentators have already said it: The great liberal experiment is dying. The ideal that markets and liberal democracy alone would resolve all our problems in a system that remains morally neutral can no longer be maintained. Individualism, a vital component of this experiment, has reached the supreme point that there is no longer enough agreement to form the consensus that acted like glue over so many generations. In place of a pursuit of happiness, we find a regime of discontent and depression that mocks modern society.

Not only is liberalism in crisis but the unacknowledged Christian principles that have long sustained the nation are exhausted. The building blocks of the family are shattered and structurally unsound. Present law has strayed so far from an objective natural law that it now permits the gratifications of people’s worst passions. People can’t even agree on who they are as they self-identify as whatever they want to be. A totalitarian wave of “tolerance” is sweeping over the land threatening anyone who dares to assert that the truth exists.

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold,” wrote Yeats. This is not just a problem of mere decadence. It’s beyond that. The experiment is falling apart. The central guiding principles of liberalism are not holding. The Christian pillars are shaken. This is what needs to be addressed.

Does that mean that it is over?

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