The History of the Syndemic of AIDS

Jun 25, 2016 by

by Dale O’Leary:

HIV/AIDS is no longer a major concern for the public in the US. It doesn’t even make the list, but the epidemic rolls on. In 2014 the CDC estimated that 36,138 men were newly infected with HIV. Of these 30,635 (83%) were gay men or the men who had sex with men (MSM).[1] While new infections in other categories have been declining, the category MSM has been increasing.

Why? Because the Risk Reduction strategy adopted to fight the epidemic was guided by the political agenda of Gay AIDS Activists and not experts in public health. And AIDS activists are selling a failed strategy and using the crisis to sell their sexual agenda to the world. 

The History

Why was such a flawed strategy adopted?

Why has this disease targeted gay men?

Sex between males has gone on in various cultures and periods, with different levels of acceptance or condemnation and involving different behaviors. The term homosexual was invented in 1869. Gay came into use in the 20th century. The CDC uses men who have sex with men (MSM) to include all men who engage in sexual acts with other men, whether or not they self-identify as homosexual or gay. The modern gay rights movement is unique, in terms of the number of extreme behaviors, the multiple concurrent sexual partners, the reciprocal nature of the acts, and the use of sex enhancing and mind altering drugs.

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In response to my latest post someone commented that gays were to blame for AIDS. I would not say that, rather I would say that gay men were victim of well-meaning friends. Same-sex attraction (SSA) is a preventable and treatable psychological disorder. Had that information been widely available and accepted by the general public, the gay sexual revolution with its multiple concurrent partners and unsanitary sexual acts would have been recognized for what it was: a symptom of an underlying, untreated psychological disorder. However, rather than help those struggling with SSA, the mental health professionals –without any hard research to support their decision –gave in to the demand to remove homosexuality from their list of psychological disorders in 1973. The most logical weapon against the STD/HIV/AIDS epidemic – the prevention and treatment of SSA – was discarded and gay men died terrible deaths. Think about the timing, those young men who didn’t get help in the 1970s died in the 1980s.

When the epidemic was raging, the public health professionals accepted gay behavior as unchangeable and surrendered proven strategies for controlling an STD in favor of ineffective risk reduction. They literally killed the gay men with kindness.

Lest we condemn the failure of others without bearing our share of the guilt, let us remember that people of faith did little to support the few brave therapists who were working to find effective treatments. The Church didn’t pray for those struggling, didn’t offer hope, or help. There is plenty of blame to go around.


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