The ideological insanity of State control

Apr 20, 2018 by

from Voice for Justice UK:

According to a recent report in the Daily Mail, over the past two years 10,593 contraceptive implants have been given to schoolgirls below the age of 15 – some even as young as 12 – without their parents’ knowledge.

As justification, Education mandarins tell us that children are naturally curious, and it is their human right to have sex as soon as they feel ‘ready’.   Mass administration of contraceptives is, therefore, simply acknowledgment of nature, designed to keep them safe from unwanted consequences.

How very kind!

We would remind the NHS that although sexual promiscuity from puberty onwards seems increasingly both approved and affirmed in sex and relationships education being delivered in schools, the legal age for consent in this country remains 16.  Which means that sex below that age is still a criminal offence.  Why then is the NHS encouraging and abetting children, without their parents’ knowledge, to commit an offence?

This of course is bad enough in itself, but factor into the equation the inevitable exposure to STIs, many of which are becoming increasingly untreatable and are at epidemic levels amongst young people; the unpleasant side effects of hormonal manipulation, ranging from weight gain to embolism; the still unknown long-term effects of such intervention; and the potential but very real susceptibility to adult infertility and cancer; then the policy becomes criminally insane!  And this is without even mentioning the problem of protecting children from sexual predators!  Which this most definitely won’t.  Rendering child victims infertile is surely comparable to giving abusers a get out of jail card!

At every level this is wrong.  No matter how skewed political ideology, children can never ‘belong’ to the State, and they should not be subjected to State sexualisation programmes designed to justify adult proclivities and desires.

FACT:                          Parents have a right and duty to protect their child.
FACT:                          Children’s brains are not fully developed until the age of 25.
They lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to make life-changing decisions.
CONCLUSION:        Parents must be fully informed and consulted on all decisions affecting the future development and welfare of their child.
Anything less is an offence against humanity.

Please sign our petition calling for the protection of Christian belief in schools,and for Ofsted to be stopped from abusing their powers.

Sign petition here

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