The insurgency against democracy

Jan 23, 2017 by

by Melanie Phillips:

President Donald Trump was brought to power by a cultural counter-revolution: a revolt by millions of Americans against a liberal progressive consensus and the establishment that embodied it.

Those who voted for him want him to overturn that consensus. He promised to do so. In his inaugural address he told them he would keep his word; he would take power away from that establishment and give it back to the people. What we are now seeing, on the streets of America and in its media, is an all-out attempt to stop him.

There are many anxieties to be had about President Trump. There are legitimate concerns about his character and temperament, his volatility and inconsistencies. Nevertheless, the opposition to him being mounted should alarm us more.

For in deeming Donald Trump to be unfit to hold public office, in twisting and distorting what he says and does and then turning him into a vile monster on the basis of those distortions and in accusing him of fascism and Nazism and racism and very other form of evil, his opponents are setting themselves against the very democratic system they supposedly want to defend and are themselves unleashing the hatred and violence they affect to despise.

The reason for such disproportionate, indeed almost pathological behaviour is obvious. Left-wing “progressives” regard themselves as the elect who alone are entitled to wield power. This is because they alone know how society must be refashioned to bring about the transformation of human nature and the utopia of universal equality. The fact that they have now lost power is not just a set back. It simply cannot be allowed to happen.

The extent to which the enormous anti-Trump demonstrations are indeed spontaneous is open to question. There is ample evidence on video of some degree of organisation, at least, by various revolutionary or insurrectionary groups.

A similar aim animates certain Democratic supporters; these have poured big money into creating the grievance culture to bring about the cultural revolution and are now pouring yet more money into protecting their agenda.

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