The Latest Absurd Manifestations of Transgenderism

Jul 20, 2017 by

by Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine:

At Cromwell High School in Connecticut, a 15-year-old boy with a mustache recently crushed female competitors in track and field, to the great dismay of the girls who have spent many intense days training so hard.

This doesn’t seem fair, does it?

It does in the left’s brave new world of fundamental transformation.

The boy, you see, calls himself a girl. That’s his self-proclaimed “gender identity.” And all’s fair in the bizarre universe of modern-day LGBTQ liberalism.

The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference permits students and their schools to decide which teams they can join. The conference is abiding by state and federal laws mandating that students have the ability to compete on sports teams that accord with their public “gender identity.”

And 15-year-old biological boy, Andraya Yearwood, identifies (at least for now) as a girl. And get this, sports fans: He’s only a freshman.

He could easily dominate the girls’ meets for four years.

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