The LGBT war on whimsy: now Tintin is gay?

Jan 11, 2017 by

by Jonathon van Maren, LifeSite:

One of the most tiresome things about the rainbow revolutionaries is their incessant war on whimsy.

It is not enough that revisionist hack historians are transposing today’s hypersexualized climate onto male friendships of the past, insisting that Abraham Lincoln must have been gay or “bi-sexual” or that Jonathan and David must have been lovers. Following in their footsteps, the post-modernists in the field of literature have decided that the fictional characters of the literary canon are also in need of a rewrite. Characters created in the Judeo-Christian context are now being recast to create heroes for the soulless Sexual Revolution. Anne of Green Gables and her “bosom friend” Diana, they insist, must have been lesbian lovers—and to boot, orphan Anne would have been an abortion activist had she been alive! (My wife’s brilliant response to that particular proposal was quoted in the National Post.) Shakespeare is also full of homoeroticism, apparently—especially if you are the type of academic who has never relinquished the adolescent ability to see everything as sexual.

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