The mad, the bad and the down-right dangerous

Jan 25, 2016 by

From Voice for Justice UK:

In these days of legislatively defined equality, history is being rewritten. In particular, a certain section of the population now appears to hold the view that Christianity lies behind all that is evil in the world, and that Christians are not just fair game, but must be rigorously suppressed. Easy meat, in fact.

Down the centuries, they suggest, Christianity has spawned more bloody conflict than anything else on the planet. And, if not waging outright war upon peace-loving and innocent peoples of other cultures and faith – decimating without cause whole regions of the Earth – then at the very least Christians have exploited and persecuted those whose resources they coveted, in the process mercilessly wiping out older, and nobler, faiths.

But the worst sin of all, it seems, is Christian morality, because our approach to sexuality and insistence on purity and faithfulness engender guilt, stopping the greater part of humanity from indulging their ‘natural’ desires.  And then, of course, they point to corrupt and licentious priests, adding to it all the charge of hypocrisy.

The logical inconsistencies of all this appear swept under the carpet, along with inconvenient facts of history and irrefutable evidence of the contribution to good made by Christianity – not least in the field of human rights, which derive solely from Christian respect for the individual, as made in the image of God and therefore worthy of honour. So too down the centuries Christians have stood out for the help given to those in need, providing for their health, education and security. In the name of Christ. No other religion or belief system in the world has acted with the same selfless compassion, with believers sacrificing their lives and wellbeing to help others, often in hostile areas of the globe where they themselves are in physical danger.

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